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Biometric r-evolution awarded again!

The PayEye start-up, which was the first in the world to provide an eye-based payment service, prides itself with another distinction. FinTech received the 30 Most Creative People in Wrocław Prize that is awarded to outstanding scientists, artists, social activists and businessmen, whose ventures have an extraordinary dimension and international reach, although they are implemented in Poland.

In the business category, the following persons were awarded: Krystian Kulczycki, Daniel Jarząb and Radosław Ruda – PayEye project leaders.

– Joining the group of 30 most creative people in Wrocław is a great honour and prestige for us.

Applause and special thanks should go to all our team, which is still growing and today it has over fifty creative people – including scientists and experts in the field of IT, finance, cybersecurity and marketing. Until recently, no one believed that using the eye-payment technology would be possible, and now we more and more often hear – “finally!” We are from Wrocław and we believe it is the best place in the world for our development. Therefore, we are already convinced that PayEye will always be associated with Wrocław, the Polish capital of start-ups

– comments Krystian Kulczycki, President of PayEye.

PayEye is a global FinTech from Wrocław, which has prepared the world’s first commercial and full payment ecosystem, based on the biometrics of the iris. It is a pilot project implemented in Wrocław, and now available in nearly 80 locations. But it does not stop there.

The history of PayEye founders and the company’s plans can be found on the website of the competition:


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