Project co-financed by the EU
Grant application number
Project title:
Industrial research and development of a biometric payment system based on transactions confirmed by user identification through iris and face biometrics.
Project purpose:
Developing a PayEye payment system, based on payment through an integral part of the body – the iris of the eye and/or facial features – responding to the requirements of the PSD2 directive and introducing strong authentication. Introduction of the PayEye system to the domestic market (and ultimately also to foreign markets), a system that guarantees the highest security of transactions.
EU grant amount: 10 702 859,72 PLN

Grant application number
Project title:
Promotion of innovative payeye payment system on foreign markets.
Project purpose:
Presentation of own service at selected fairs and organization of industry missions, in order to promote the brand abroad and exchange professional experience between companies from the same industry.
EU grant amount: 394 060,00 PLN

Grant application number
Project title:
Promoting the PayEye brand on foreign markets as an opportunity to increase competitiveness.
Project purpose:
Presentation of own service at selected fairs and organization of industry missions, in order to promote the brand abroad and exchange professional experience between companies from the same industry.
EU grant amount: 68 850,00 PLN