Quick age verification
and check-in at hotel facilities
Identification without showing documents? It’s possible! Activate the eyeID function in the PayEye Global app and enjoy all the capabilities of PayEye.

One look is enough
Identification you’ll love at first glance available from the PayEye Global app. No more showing proof of age or identity documents.

What is eyeID?
and unambiguously identify the user based on their individual biometric characteristics.
Check-in identification
It allows identification at hotel facilities or car rental companies without the need to show additional identification documents.
Age verification
Unambiguous confirmation of age of majority without the need to show proof of age.
Operation of eyeID

eyeID connects your
biometric data
to the internal system.
Your data is verified
and confirmed in one
Activation of eyeID service

1. Download the PayEye Global app.
2. Register.
3. Zweryfikuj konto dokumentem tożsamości.
4. If your account has a “verified” status, enable the eyeID service in the settings or click on the green banner.
5. Now you can quickly and securely use the eyeID service.

Security with PayEye
We are the first in the world to use the fusion of iris and facial biometrics to reliably and unambiguously identify the user.
We do not store photos of users - we generate a unique biometric code assigned to the user during the first payment in real time.
Our solution is resistant to any fraud attempts. It is impossible to impersonate another user or make payments using someone else's image.