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Age verification and quick check-in at a single payment terminal

Bring the latest technology to your business and enjoy additional capabilities of the PayEye terminal, such as eyeID, which is a new feature of the eyePOS terminal that allows age verification and check-in.

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Verify user age and check-in with a single glance

eyeID is a new identification technology based on iris and facial biometrics available on eyePOS terminals that you and your customers will love.

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What is eyeID?

eyeID is an innovative service that allows user identification and age verification without having to show a document. A single glance at the biometric device from PayEye is enough to effectively
and unambiguously identify the user based on their individual biometric characteristics.

Check-in identification

It allows identification at hotel facilities or car rental companies without the need to show additional identification documents.

Age verification

Unambiguous confirmation of age of majority without the need to show proof of age.

How eyeID works




eyeID links
the user's biometric data
to the internal system.


User data
is verified
and confirmed.

The eyeID function will work best
in hotel facilities
in grocery and liquor stores
at car rental companies
in bars and clubs
at airports
at car rental companies
in gyms and fitness clubs
in the event industry

Security with PayEye

We are the first in the world to use the fusion of iris and facial biometrics to reliably and unambiguously identify the user.

We do not store photos of users - we generate a unique biometric code assigned to the user during the first payment in real time.

Our solution is resistant to any fraud attempts. It is impossible to impersonate another user or make payments using someone else's image.

Order a terminal with eyeID service today
And enjoy the comfortable running of your business.
Download the app!

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